In recent years MANS’ advocacy efforts have intensified on a variety of issues, particularly shared time opportunities and with our recent effort to obtain an appropriation to reimburse nonpublic schools for complying with state health and safety mandates. These issues will persist into the immediate future and other areas will be coming to the forefront, particularly on the federal level with a proposed education tax credit, ESSA implementation and protection of Title IIa funds.

MANS builds coalitions between members, public, private, and religious school leaders in support of school choice.

For more information contact


For more than 50 years, MANS has provided services in the area of public policy, professional development, and school accreditation to hundreds of faith-based schools in the state of Michigan. This work has impacted countless students, teachers, administrators and families.

The services we provide are available to, and benefit, ALL non-public schools in the state. Your donation will assist us implementing the mission and vision of MANS and empower parents to make the best educational choices for their children.

The Michigan Association of Non-public Schools is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax deductible.

Prefer to send a check? Please make out to MANS and mail to 510 S. Capitol Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48933.

Recent accomplishments

  • Successfully advocated for a $2.5 million reimbursement for state required health and safety mandates (currently under litigation) in 2016-17 and 2017-18.
  • Protected Shared Time program from a 50% cut  in 2016-17 and a $55 million cut in 2017-18.
  • Non-public Schools included as eligible recipients in the FIRST Robotics program.
  • Changed dual enrollment eligibility criteria to streamline process for non-public school students. Currently a $2 million program for non-public students.
  • Successfully advocated that non-public schools be eligible recipients for Michigan State Police Safety grants.
  • Successfully advocated for non-public schools to be eligible for water testing reimbursement in response to the Flint water crisis.
  • Convened the first ever partnership of education leaders to administer statewide Title IIa resources for the benefit of professional learning of Michigan’s diverse non-public educators.

Take Action

Contact your legislators and inform them of the impact your non-public school has on the community.