Professional Development
When parents choose a Christian school, they know that their students will interact daily with qualified educators and administrators.
To ensure this, MANS partners with our stakeholders to provide professional learning experiences that meet the needs of Christian school educators and impact organizational and classroom practices. Provided in a Christ-centered framework, sessions include a mix of secular and religious content that can be accessed by members and non-members alike. Whether through assistance with local events, coordination of continuing education credits or through specialized professional development events, you can count on MANS to represent the needs of non-public educators.
Through the Michigan Equitable Service Collaborative (MESC), MANS also offers strictly secular content designed to meet the needs of Michigan’s diverse non-public educators.
Signature Events
MANS Education Conference and Expo
This event is the premiere event for non-public school administrators, teachers and stakeholders.
With keynote speakers, 100+ workshops, educational excursions and in-depth institutes this conference is certain to meet the diverse learning needs of our membership. MANS issues a Call for Presenters nearly one year in advance allowing educators to submit proposals to present a workshop.
MANS Administrator’s Conference
At this event, non-public school administrators meet for fellowship, development and critical networking. Join us every other fall “north of 45” for two days focused on the leaders of non-public schools. You won’t regret the time you spend with your peers from across the state.
Public Policy Day
Meet with other school leaders in Lansing every March for sessions addressing state and federal policies that impact Michigan’s non-public schools. Participants will participate in legislative visits to help build relationships and understanding of the value non-public schools play in our local communities. Come see why 100% of past participants said they would recommend this event to their colleagues.
School Law Day
School Law Day is annual event meant to help school administrators understand how state and federal policies play out in their schools. Legal experts will help you anticipate the legal implications inherent in your school policies.
Creating Pathways
Creating Pathways is a special retreat for a non-public schools’ first point of contact – the school secretary. Each retreat provides content focused on the legal and service-related functions of their role and offers time to share best practices with peers from across the state.
Michigan Equitable Service Collaborative (MESC)
The MESC offers affordable professional learning events for all non-public school educators. Content is selected by a committee of education leaders following extensive statewide needs assessments. Find all MESC events here.
Additional Events
In addition to our signature events, look for other events throughout the year meant to address the learning needs of MANS diverse membership.
State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs)
To ensure teachers are maintaining their required certification, MANS is happy to serve as your host for SCECHs. For more information or to request materials for:
- School committees
- PD
- Accreditation Site Visits
- Mentoring
Please contact Shelley Long at or 517-372-0012.